Company Culture

Be part of something special

company culture

1. We Do This Because We Love It

Our business is built on love. We’re dreamers and doers, in relentless pursuit of making other’s employment dreams come true. We’re passionate, resourceful, and deeply invested in what we do.

2. We Are Fierce Advocates

In 2020, only 17.9 percent* of persons with a disability were employed. Not acceptable to us. Every job counts. We fiercely advocate for every person with unique abilities and untapped potential. Our company is a community where your drive can make a difference. As Robert M. Hensel said, "There is no greater disability in society, than the inability to see a person as more.”

3. We Go Beyond

Put your genius to work to create authentic, meaningful, long-lasting connections that employ individuals….one person at a time. As Christine Kane said, “The work you do matters. The influence you have matters. The power you hold in your heart is indescribable.” It genuinely is!

4. We’re Driven A-Players

We aspire to be the best at what we do! Nothing short of excellence will do.

5. We’re Problem Solvers

Doesn’t matter what challenges lie before you. We hold an unwavering belief in possibility. That with humility, passion, and focus -- we can make just about anyone’s employment dream come to life.

6. We Don’t Do Mediocrity

We give every task, need, and want presented to us 110% and then some. We’re obsessive about exceeding expectations, and going beyond for you, our customers, ourselves, and each other.

7. We Sell Solutions.

We’re here to offer some of the best employment services and online Pre-ETS training programs in Texas. Our goal is to have every customer feel blown-away by their experience and know they’re aligned with a company that truly cares about them for the long-haul. Because we do!

8. Trust Is Everything

We’re straight-shooters who mean what we say. We’re honest with you, our clients, TVRCs/VRCs, business partners, and each other. If our services and training courses aren’t right for you, we’ll say so. When mistakes happen, we take responsibility and work our tails off to make things right.

9. We Love Our Customers

You’re the reason we exist. You help us create meaningful change in this world. We’re fanatical about customer happiness and working non-stop to make sure you know you are valued, respected, and appreciated because you genuinely are.

10. We Have A Kind-People-Only Policy

Anyone who demonstrates mean-spirited or dishonest behavior is not welcome -- in our community or as customers. It’s our goal to inspire people to treat themselves and others better…..because kindness matters!

11. We Have A Blast Doing What We Do

Our sense of humor is quick-witted, but our sense of optimism is unstoppable. We’re fun and forthright. We take a strong stand for kindness. We take our work beyond seriously, but not ourselves. So, if we aren’t having fun, we’re doing something seriously wrong!

Interested in joining our team? 

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*U.S. Department of Labor. (2021, February 24). Persons with a disability: Labor for characteristics -2020 [Press release].